Frequently Asked Questions on Chinese Ordinary Passport Issuance

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Frequently Asked Questions on Chinese Ordinary Passport Issuance

Frequently Asked Questions on Chinese Ordinary Passport Issuance

1. I want to apply for an electronic ordinary passport, how to apply?

Citizens in China applying for electronic ordinary passports shall submit an application in person to the exit and entry administration authority of the public security organ of the local people's government at or above the county level, submit the resident identity card, a recent photo of the headless and relevant materials for the reason for the application, and accept inquiries from the exit and entry administration authority of the public security organ. When applying for an electronic ordinary passport, the applicant shall accept the fingerprint and signature information collected on the spot by the exit and entry administration authority of the public security organ.

II. What specific materials should be submitted to apply for an electronic ordinary passport?

1. A recent headless photo and a completed "Application Form for Chinese Citizens Going Abroad (Border) for Private Reasons";

2. Resident ID card; During the period of collection, replacement and replacement of resident identity cards, temporary resident identity cards can be submitted;

3. Citizens under the age of 16 shall be accompanied by their guardians and submit the opinion issued by their guardians agreeing to leave the country, and the guardian's resident identity card or passport;

4. State functionaries shall, in accordance with relevant provisions, submit opinions on leaving the country after examination and approval by the work unit to which they belong or the supervisory unit at a higher level in accordance with the authority of personnel management;

5. Other materials required to be submitted by the exit and entry administration authority of the public security organ of the provincial-level local people's government upon approval by the National Immigration Administration.

Active-duty servicemen applying for electronic ordinary passports shall submit it in person to the exit and entry administration authority of the public security organ of the local people's government at or above the county level where the unit is stationed in person.

3. How is the application for an electronic ordinary passport different from the past?

The conditions and time limit for applying for an electronic ordinary passport are the same as before, but the content of collecting the applicant's fingerprint and signature information has been added to the application procedure.

4. Do I have to collect fingerprints to apply for an electronic ordinary passport?

For citizens over the age of 16 applying for electronic ordinary passports, the exit and entry administration organs of the public security organs shall collect the applicant's fingerprint information on the spot. Where a citizen under the age of 16 applies for an electronic ordinary passport and the guardian agrees to provide the applicant's fingerprint information, the exit and entry administration authority of the public security organ may collect it on the spot.

Where the applicant is unable to press the fingerprint due to missing or damaged fingerprints, the fingerprint information may not be collected. Among them, if the applicant is unable to print fingerprints due to finger injury or illness and the receiving authority cannot judge it, he or she must submit a certificate issued by a hospital at or above the second level, and after the finger injury is healed, the applicant will be issued a passport at the receiving institution to reissue his passport and take his fingerprints.

V. How does the exit and entry administration authority of the public security organ collect the fingerprints of applicants?

Fingerprint collection is carried out in the order of first right hand and then left hand, and each hand collects 1 fingerprint. Finger prioritization is: thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger, and little finger. If there are no special circumstances, fingerprints of the applicant's thumbs should be collected. When the thumb cannot collect valid fingerprint information, the other fingers of the hand are collected in order of finger position until the valid fingerprint information is collected. When one hand cannot collect valid fingerprint information, two valid fingerprint information of the other hand can be collected. When the valid fingerprint information is less than 2, the insufficient number of fingerprint images shall be extracted according to the priority of the finger.

6. If the applicant is really unable to collect fingerprint information due to finger conditions, can he apply for an electronic ordinary passport? Will it affect normal entry and exit?

If the applicant is unable to collect fingerprint information due to finger conditions or other reasons, it will not affect the application for electronic ordinary passports and entry-exit border inspections.

7. Is the fingerprint information stored in the electronic ordinary passport secure? Will it be leaked?

In the process of issuing electronic ordinary passports, the exit and entry administration authorities of public security organs have adopted protective measures such as encryption to ensure that the fingerprint information stored by electronic chips is limited to reading, verification and use by the electronic ordinary passport issuing authority and the exit-entry border inspection authority during entry and exit administration. Electronic ordinary passport issuing organs, exit-entry border inspection organs, and their staffs shall keep confidential citizens' personal information that they learn of in the course of entry-exit administration work.

VIII. Do I have to collect my signature to apply for an electronic ordinary passport?

Citizens applying for an electronic ordinary passport shall sign the Application Form for Ordinary Passports for Chinese Citizens on the spot, so that the exit and entry administration authority of the public security organ can scan the applicant's signature information onto the data page of the electronic ordinary passport.

Applicants who do not have the ability to sign, such as preschoolers, may not sign.

9. How can applicants submit their signature information when applying for an electronic ordinary passport?

The applicant shall sign his or her name in person when the police accept the electronic passport application, and in principle, fill in standardized Chinese characters. Ethnic minorities may fill in their own ethnic script, but they shall be consistent with their names in the ethnic language on their resident identity cards.

The signature should be written horizontally and within the rectangular box specified in the Application Form for Ordinary Passports for Chinese Citizens, without crimping or oblique, and the distance between the characters should not exceed half a word.

10. Who will not be issued electronic ordinary passports?

Under any of the following circumstances, the passport issuing authority will not issue an ordinary passport:

1. Those who do not have the nationality of the People's Republic of China;

2. Unable to prove identity;

3. Committing fraud in the application process;

4. Those who have been sentenced to a criminal punishment and are serving a sentence;

5. The people's court notifies that there are unresolved civil cases that cannot be left the country;

6. Belonging to the defendant or criminal suspect in a criminal case;

7. The relevant competent department of the State Council believes that leaving the country will cause harm to national security or cause major losses to national interests;

8. Citizens who have received criminal punishment for obstructing the administration of national (border) borders or have been repatriated to their home countries for illegal exit, illegal residence or illegal employment;

9. Other circumstances where laws and administrative regulations provide that it will not be issued.

11. How long is the electronic ordinary passport valid for?

The validity period of the electronic ordinary passport is: 5 years for the holder under the age of 16 and 10 years for the holder over the age of 16.

12. How much does it cost to apply for an electronic ordinary passport?

According to the regulations of the price administration department and the financial department of the State Council, the fee for applying for an electronic ordinary passport is 120 yuan per book.

13. How should electronic ordinary passports be kept?

Sensitive electronic components are built into electronic ordinary passports. To maintain optimal performance, do not bend, punch or expose the electronic ordinary passport to extreme temperature and humidity.

14. What should I do if my electronic ordinary passport is broken (lost)?

If an electronic ordinary passport is damaged, lost or stolen, it shall immediately report to the local public security organ or our embassies or consulates abroad or other institutions abroad entrusted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In China, you can apply to the exit and entry administration authority of the public security organ of the local people's government at or above the county level for the replacement of passports; In foreign countries, you can apply to our embassies, consulates or other overseas institutions entrusted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

15. After the electronic ordinary passport is activated, can the original non-electronic ordinary passport continue to be used? Under what circumstances can I exchange it with an electronic ordinary passport?

After the electronic ordinary passport is activated, the original valid ordinary passport shall continue to be used. However, under any of the following circumstances, an electronic ordinary passport may be applied for replacement:

1. The visa page of the ordinary passport is about to be used up;

2. The validity period of an ordinary passport is less than six months, or the validity period is more than six months but there are materials to prove that the validity period does not meet the requirements of the country of travel;

3. Other circumstances recognized by the National Immigration Administration.



