SAFA Website
SAFA Website:
South Asian Federation of Accountants (SAFA), a Network Partner of IFAC comprises of eleven accountancy bodies in South-Asian Region namely India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Maldives and Afghanistan. Bhutan, where no accountancy body exists has been given an Observer status. SAFA has undertaken the leadership role in providing a new direction to the accountancy profession within the region and this Apex body has over 4,75,000 members affiliated with its member bodies. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India is one of the founder members of SAFA and also hosts its Permanent Secretariat at New Delhi.
Birth of SAFA
The idea to form an alliance of accountancy bodies in South Asian Region was conceived by Mr Ashok Kumbhat, the then President of ICAI, at the third National Conference of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka held in December 1982. At the meeting of the heads of accountancy bodies from Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka held in August 1984 at New Delhi, the Constitution of the Body was signed. The meeting was attended by the heads of accounting bodies in South Asian Region.
Objectives of SAFA
SAFA shall, in the public interest work towards strengthening the accountancy profession and subserve in the interest of the broad economic development of SAARC Region. For this purpose SAFA shall undertake such functions as are necessary for achievement of its mission including the following:
To understand the profession in the regional context and continuously work towards its development in keeping with global trends;
To participate in and play the leadership role on the International forums;
To promote and harmonize accountancy profession in SAARC Region in keeping with global developments;
To provide assistance and guidance in promoting the profession of accountancy in the countries within its jurisdiction, where the accountancy profession does not exist or is not sufficiently developed by utilizing the services of a full member or assuming the task under its own forum;
To promote international accounting, auditing, reporting and other professional standards and best practices in the SAFA region and to assist in the harmonization of the same with national standards, if any;
To act as interface between international bodies and member-bodies;
To develop guidelines and, if required, setting standards on issues peculiar to the SAARC region, not addressed by the international standards;
To promote the undertaking of studies and research in the field of accountancy, business, commerce, trade and related issues with the objective of establishing or promoting benchmarks in these areas;
To establish any foundation, training, research & development centre(s) in virtual or any other form to attain the mission & objectives of SAFA.
To carry out such other activities as are considered incidental or ancillary to the above or considered expedient in furtherance of the development of Accountancy profession in the SAARC Region.
Annexe Building 1st Floor,
ICAI Bhawan
Indraprastha Marg
New Delhi 110002