How would you use constructor overloading in Java? Provide an example
How would you use constructor overloading in Java? Provide an example.
Constructor overloading in Java is a technique where multiple constructors are defined with different parameters. It allows objects to be initialized in various ways, enhancing flexibility and readability.
Consider an example of a ‘Book’ class:
public class Book {
String title;
int pages;
// Constructor 1
public Book(String t) {
this.title = t;
// Constructor 2
public Book(String t, int p) {
this.title = t;
this.pages = p;
In the above code, two constructors are overloaded. The first constructor initializes only the book’s title while the second also includes the number of pages. This way, we can create a ‘Book’ object either by just providing the title or both the title and page count.