What is constructor ambiguity in Spring, and how can you resolve it

date:2024-06-05 12:34:14 author:admin browse: View comments Add Collection

What is constructor ambiguity in Spring, and how can you resolve it

 What is constructor ambiguity in Spring, and how can you resolve it?

Constructor ambiguity in Spring occurs when there are multiple constructors with the same number of parameters, causing confusion during bean instantiation. This is because Spring uses reflection to call the constructor and can’t determine which one to use.

To resolve this issue, you can use the @Autowired annotation on the desired constructor. This tells Spring that it should use this constructor for dependency injection. If more than one constructor needs to be autowired, specify the required=false attribute in all but one of them.

Another solution is to use the @Primary annotation on the beans that should take precedence when multiple beans match a single dependency.

Alternatively, you can define only one constructor in your class or ensure each constructor has a unique parameter count. This way, Spring can easily identify which constructor to use based on the number of arguments.



