Website of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Guangdong Province
Website of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Guangdong Province:
Contact information of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Guangdong Province
Office address: Yuecai Building, No. 483, Dongfeng Middle Road, Guangzhou (31st Floor-35th Floor)
Postal code: 510045
Office hours: 8:30-12:00 a.m. 14:00-17:30 p.m. (weekdays)
Fax: 020-83133500
Bus routes: You can take the following buses and get off at the orthopaedic hospital stop: B3B, 209, B4A, 85, 80, 74, 297, B3, 276, 229, B4, 133
Subway route: You can take Guangzhou Metro Line 1 to Exit C of Nongjiao Station, walk north along Dezheng North Road for about 500 meters, walk due west along Dongfeng Middle Road for about 230 meters, cross the pedestrian bridge, and walk east along Dongfeng Middle Road for about 200 meters after getting off the overpass.
Administrative Service Window of Guangdong Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development
Office address: 2nd Floor, Yuecai Building, No. 481, Dongfeng Middle Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou
Postal code: 510045
Office hours: 8:30-12:00 a.m. 14:00-17:30 p.m. (weekdays) (closed on Friday afternoon)
Fax: 020-83133674
Bus routes: You can take the following buses and get off at the orthopedic hospital stop: B3B, 209, B4A, 85, 80, 74, 297, B3, 276, 229, B4, 133
Subway route: You can take Guangzhou Metro Line 1 to Exit C of Nongjiao Station, walk north along Dezheng North Road for about 500 meters, walk due west along Dongfeng Middle Road for about 230 meters, cross the pedestrian bridge, and walk east along Dongfeng Middle Road for about 200 meters after getting off the overpass.
Guangdong Provincial Housing and Urban-Rural Construction High-quality Development Research and Safety Monitoring Center (Guangdong Provincial Construction Engineering Standard Quota Station)
Office address: 7th Floor, Huide Building, No. 102, Haoxian Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou
Office hours: 8:30-12:00 a.m. 14:00-17:30 p.m. (weekdays)
Business Consulting: "Xiaoyue Helps You" Online Consultation
Bus routes: You can take the following buses and get off at the orthopaedic hospital stop: 293, 62A, 283, 261, 284, 62, 56, 581, 2, 27, 261, 204
Subway route: You can take Guangzhou Metro Line 1 to Exit C of Nongjiao Station, and walk north along Dezheng North Road for about 500 meters
Construction Qualification Registration Services:
Office address: 14th Floor, South Tower, Huale Building, No. 53 Huale Road, Guangzhou (east side of the Garden Hotel)
Office hours: 8:30-12:00 a.m. 14:00-17:30 p.m. (weekdays)
Registration consultation: 020-82127766
Fax: 020-82127707
Bus routes: Take the following buses and get off at Huale Building Station: 10, 245, 247, 546, 4, 52
Subway route: You can take Guangzhou Metro Line 5 to Taojin Station Exit A, and walk south along Taojin Road for about 180 meters
Guangdong Provincial Construction Enterprise Safety Production Management Personnel Service Center
Office address: B1, B1, Testing and Experimental Building, No. 121-1, Xianlie East Road, Guangzhou, Guangdong Academy of Building Research Group Co., Ltd
Office hours: 8:30-11:30 a.m. 14:00-17:00 p.m. (weekdays) (closed on Friday afternoon)
Tel: 020-87020575