The deepest location in the ocean is what
The deepest location in the ocean is what?
Answer: Mariana Trench.
We receive groundwater because of what
We receive groundwater because of what
We receive groundwater because of what?
Answer: Infiltration.
Who is “The father of the Internet
Who is The father of the Internet
Who is The father of the Internet?
Answer: Vint Cerf.
Oxen group is known as what
Oxen group is known as what
Oxen group is known as what?
Answer: Yoke.
What is known as Lithosphere
What is known as Lithosphere
What is known as Lithosphere?
Answer: Topmost layer or the crust of the earth.
Where was the first Olympic Games played
Where was the first Olympic Games played
Where was the first Olympic Games played?
Answer: Greece.
What is the name of the first American President
What is the name of the first American President
What is the name of the first American President?
Answer: George Washington.
Which is the world’s largest fish
Which is the world’s largest fish
Which is the world’s largest fish?
Answer: Whale Shark.
The large intestine’s length is what
The large intestine’s length is what
The large intestine’s length is what?
Answer: 5 ft.
Who is known as the father of the computer
Who is known as the father of the computer
Who is known as the father of the computer?
Answer: Charles Babbage.
Humans have how many chromosome pairs
Humans have how many chromosome pairs
Humans have how many chromosome pairs?
Answer: 23.
New Holland is known as what
New Holland is known as what
New Holland is known as what?
Answer: Australia.
Which protine acts like a biological catalyst
Which protine acts like a biological catalyst
Which protine acts like a biological catalyst?
Answer: Enzyme.
Which is Canada’s capital
Which is Canada’s capital
Which is Canada’s capital?
Answer: Ottawa.
Water surrounds a narrow land piece. This piece has a large landmass in its side. What is it
Water surrounds a narrow land piece. This piece has a large landmass in its side. What is it
Water surrounds a narrow land piece. This piece has a large landmass in its side. What is it?
Answer: Penin
How long one full moon takes to reach the next
How long one full moon takes to reach the next
How long one full moon takes to reach the next?
Answer: 30.3 days.
Where can you store arithmetic or logical operations
Where can you store arithmetic or logical operations
Where can you store arithmetic or logical operations?
Answer: Accumulator.
Which programme controls the basic functions of the computer
Which programme controls the basic functions of the computer
Which programme controls the basic functions of the computer?
Answer: CPU.
A particular state is known as the Bear State in the U.S. What is it
A particular state is known as the Bear State in the U.S. What is it
A particular state is known as the Bear State in the U.S. What is it?
Answer: Arkansas.
Give a web browser example
Give a web browser example
Give a web browser example
Answer: Google Chrome.
The volatile memory is known as what
The volatile memory is known as what
The volatile memory is known as what?
Answer: RAM.
Which city is located between two continents
Which city is located between two continents
Which city is located between two continents?
Answer: Istanbul, Turkey.
The Great Pyramid of Giza is found where
The Great Pyramid of Giza is found where
The Great Pyramid of Giza is found where?
Answer: Egypt.
Which is the world’s largest island
Which is the world’s largest island
Which is the world’s largest island?
Answer: Green Land.
Which one is the first web-based e-mail service
Which one is the first web-based e-mail service
Which one is the first web-based e-mail service?
Answer: Hot mail.