Stonehenge is thought to have been built over a 1500 year period
Stonehenge is thought to have been built over a 1500 year period. Approximately when is Stonehenge thought to have been started?
What is the meaning of “Extradition Treaty” under international law
What is the meaning of Extradition Treaty under international law
What is the meaning of Extradition Treaty under international law?
Answer: Agreement between countries which insists handing over of i
What explorer is buried in the Dominican Republic
What explorer is buried in the Dominican Republic
What explorer is buried in the Dominican Republic?
Answer: Christopher Columbus.
Which drama involves a villain who initiates actions that threaten characters with whom the audience
Which drama involves a villain who initiates actions that threaten characters with whom the audience is sympathetic
Which drama involves a villain who initiates actions that threaten characters with w
How many Great Lakes are there in North America
How many Great Lakes are there in North America
How many Great Lakes are there in North America?
Answer: Five.
Who developed movable type printing in Europe
Who developed movable type printing in Europe
Who developed movable type printing in Europe?
Answer: Johannes Gutenberg.
What do you call a grouping of apes
What do you call a grouping of apes
What do you call a grouping of apes?
Answer: A shrewdness.
Height of an Australopithecus afarensis (Lucy) was
Height of an Australopithecus afarensis (Lucy) was
Height of an Australopithecus afarensis (Lucy) was:
Answer: A little more than 3 feet (90 centimeters) tall.
Which president was succeed upon his death by Millard Fillmore
Which president was succeed upon his death by Millard Fillmore
Which president was succeed upon his death by Millard Fillmore?
Answer: Zachary Taylor.
Food of Trilobite was
Food of Trilobite was
Food of Trilobite was:
Answer: Small food particle from the sand or mud.
From which musical did the song that gave Jason Donovan his number one hit come from
From which musical did the song that gave Jason Donovan his number one hit come from
From which musical did the song that gave Jason Donovan his number one hit come from?
Answer: Joseph and His Amazin
What is called the columns of molten rock that rise from deep inside the earth
What is called the columns of molten rock that rise from deep inside the earth
What is called the columns of molten rock that rise from deep inside the earth?
Answer: Mantle plume.
12 October, or the second Monday in October, is a public holiday in many states of the USA. What eve
12 October, or the second Monday in October, is a public holiday in many states of the USA. What event of 1492 does it commemorate
12 October, or the second Monday in October, is a public holiday in m
By the early 1400’s, the Chinese used low dining tables supported by gracefully curved legs now know
By the early 1400’s, the Chinese used low dining tables supported by gracefully curved legs now known as
By the early 1400’s, the Chinese used low dining tables supported by gracefully cur
How is the Persian Gulf alternatively named
How is the Persian Gulf alternatively named
How is the Persian Gulf alternatively named?
Answer: The Arabian Gulf.
Who challenged Soviet leadership in 1960
Who challenged Soviet leadership in 1960
Who challenged Soviet leadership in 1960?
Answer: Communist China.
Which English Art Nouveau artist famously illustrated Morte d’Arthur and Oscar Wilde’s Salome
Which English Art Nouveau artist famously illustrated Morte d’Arthur and Oscar Wilde’s Salome
Which English Art Nouveau artist famously illustrated Morte d’Arthur and Oscar Wilde&rsq
When was printed news sheets called Corantos appeared
When was printed news sheets called Corantos appeared
When was printed news sheets called Corantos appeared?
Answer: 1600’s.
Beethoven, Dvorak and Vaughan Williams all wrote the same number of symphonies. How many
Beethoven, Dvorak and Vaughan Williams all wrote the same number of symphonies. How many
Beethoven, Dvorak and Vaughan Williams all wrote the same number of symphonies. How many?
Answer: 9.
Deposits payable on demand are called
Deposits payable on demand are called
Deposits payable on demand are called:
Answer: Demand deposits or current account deposits.
Goulash is a beef soup associated with this nation
Goulash is a beef soup associated with this nation
Goulash is a beef soup associated with this nation:
Answer: Hungary.
With which religion is the Golden temple associated
With which religion is the Golden temple associated
With which religion is the Golden temple associated?
Answer: Sikh.
Which verb does not mean to steal
Which verb does not mean to steal
Which verb does not mean to steal?
Answer: Proscribe.
What shall we do for contraction of broken blood vessels and increase the speed to stop bleeding
What shall we do for contraction of broken blood vessels and increase the speed to stop bleeding
What shall we do for contraction of broken blood vessels and increase the speed to stop bleeding?
Which country is not considered a kingdom
Which country is not considered a kingdom
Which country is not considered a kingdom?
Answer: Monaco.