Which flower has the same name as a diaphragm in the eye
Which flower has the same name as a diaphragm in the eye?
Answer: Iris.
Name the athlete who won four gold medals in the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games
Name the athlete who won four gold medals in the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games
Name the athlete who won four gold medals in the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games:
Answer: Jesse Owens (USA).
What is the set of 26 letters whose name is derived from the names of two Greek letters
What is the set of 26 letters whose name is derived from the names of two Greek letters
What is the set of 26 letters whose name is derived from the names of two Greek letters?
Answer: Alphabet.
Who established Nobel Prizes
Who established Nobel Prizes
Who established Nobel Prizes?
Answer: Alfred Nobel.
Forces are measured in units called
Forces are measured in units called
Forces are measured in units called:
Answer: Newtons.
Identify the predecessor of the U.N
Identify the predecessor of the U.N
Identify the predecessor of the U.N:
Answer: The League of Nations.
Exfoliation or flaking of rocks due to expansion in extremely high daytime temperatures
Exfoliation or flaking of rocks due to expansion in extremely high daytime temperatures
Exfoliation or flaking of rocks due to expansion in extremely high daytime temperatures with contraction in extr
Which was the first Indian 3D movie
Which was the first Indian 3D movie
Which was the first Indian 3D movie?
Answer: ‘My Dear Kuttichathan’ in Malayalam.
Substances that have a definite size and shape, and vibrating particles that are close together are
Substances that have a definite size and shape, and vibrating particles that are close together are
Substances that have a definite size and shape, and vibrating particles that are close together are:
Which organization awards Oscars for excellence in different areas of film making
Which organization awards Oscars for excellence in different areas of film making
Which organization awards Oscars for excellence in different areas of film making?
Answer: The Academy of Motion Pictu
All cells have:
All cells have:
All cells have:
Answer: Cell membranes.
Indian space research started in which year
Indian space research started in which year
Indian space research started in which year?
Answer: 1961.
An egg-shaped galaxy is called
An egg-shaped galaxy is called
An egg-shaped galaxy is called
Answer: Elliptical.
Name the author of “The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation”
Name the author of The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation
Name the author of The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation
Answer: David Ricardo.
Where was the first oil well in Texas
Where was the first oil well in Texas
Where was the first oil well in Texas?
Answer: Spindletop ( Texas).
Kimono’ is a dress of
Kimono’ is a dress of
‘Kimono’ is a dress of:
Answer: Japan.
What is the highest point in the 48 contiguous United States
What is the highest point in the 48 contiguous United States
What is the highest point in the 48 contiguous United States?
Answer: Mount Whitney.
What is the largest city in New Zealand
What is the largest city in New Zealand
What is the largest city in New Zealand?
Answer: Auckland.
How fast can an ostrich run
How fast can an ostrich run
How fast can an ostrich run?
Answer: 65 km/hr (40 mph).
Which major city is the easternmost point of South America
Which major city is the easternmost point of South America
Which major city is the easternmost point of South America? .
Answer: Recife (Pernambuco).
How much of you vision do you lose if you go blind in one eye
How much of you vision do you lose if you go blind in one eye
How much of you vision do you lose if you go blind in one eye?
Answer: 20 percent.
In which state is Washington, the American capital
In which state is Washington, the American capital
In which state is Washington, the American capital?
Answer: The Federal District of Columbia.
Who is famous for their Pressure-Volume Law
Who is famous for their Pressure-Volume Law
Who is famous for their Pressure-Volume Law?
Answer: Boyle.
After which American President is the capital of an African country named
After which American President is the capital of an African country named
After which American President is the capital of an African country named?
Answer: James Monroe.
Beethoven, Al Capone, and Louis XIV are all thought to have suffered from what disease
Beethoven, Al Capone, and Louis XIV are all thought to have suffered from what disease
Beethoven, Al Capone, and Louis XIV are all thought to have suffered from what disease?
Answer: Syphilis.