Egyptian pyramids are actually
Egyptian pyramids are actually:
Answer: Square-based pyramids.
The horns of wild sheep are in the form of a
The horns of wild sheep are in the form of a
The horns of wild sheep are in the form of a:
Answer: Logarithmic spiral.
‘Lady Luck’ is the title of a popular science book on
‘Lady Luck’ is the title of a popular science book on
‘Lady Luck’ is the title of a popular science book on:
Answer: The theory of probability.
Name the rocking chair action or rotating action of a vehicle about a transverse axis
Name the rocking chair action or rotating action of a vehicle about a transverse axis
Name the rocking chair action or rotating action of a vehicle about a transverse axis through the vehicle parallel
The light of the moon becomes more bright when it goes away from the sun
The light of the moon becomes more bright when it goes away from the sun
The light of the moon becomes more bright when it goes away from the sun. What is the name of the day on which the moon becomes
Who sounded the warning: “You should not take a fellow eight years old
Who sounded the warning: You should not take a fellow eight years old
Who sounded the warning: You should not take a fellow eight years old and make him swear to never kiss the girls:
Answer: Robert B
Which are the traffic aids
Which are the traffic aids
Which are the traffic aids?
Answer: 1. Roadway Delineators, 2. Safety Barriers, 3. Barricades and Channelizers, 4. Railings, 5. Traffic signs, 6. Overhead traffic signs, 7.
What is ‘Healthy Toilet’
What is ‘Healthy Toilet’
What is ‘Healthy Toilet’?
Answer: A toilet which measures blood sugar and body fat and sends worrisome results to your Doctor via Internet.
Which story shows how the law of averages fails
Which story shows how the law of averages fails
Which story shows how the law of averages fails?
Answer: The Law.
How many important constituents are there for soil
How many important constituents are there for soil
How many important constituents are there for soil?
Answer: Three.
The population of rabbits follows
The population of rabbits follows
The population of rabbits follows:
Answer: Fibonacci sequence.
Which ratio is most pleasing to the eye
Which ratio is most pleasing to the eye
Which ratio is most pleasing to the eye?
Answer: Golden ratio.
The arrangement of leaves on the stem of a rose follows the pattern of
The arrangement of leaves on the stem of a rose follows the pattern of
The arrangement of leaves on the stem of a rose follows the pattern of:
Answer: A helix.
Which journal gives up-to-date information on the current world literature in mathematics especially
Which journal gives up-to-date information on the current world literature in mathematics especially for researchers
Which journal gives up-to-date information on the current world literature in mathe
When a snake coils itself, it forms somewhat geometrical pattern. What is it
When a snake coils itself, it forms somewhat geometrical pattern. What is it
When a snake coils itself, it forms somewhat geometrical pattern. What is it?
Answer: The Spiral of Archimedes.
Quality control of products manufactured in an industry is conducted using
Quality control of products manufactured in an industry is conducted using
Quality control of products manufactured in an industry is conducted using:
Answer: Statistical techniques.
Zodiac signs are in all
Zodiac signs are in all
Zodiac signs are in all:
Answer: Twelve.
In a switch the rail which can move is called
In a switch the rail which can move is called
In a switch the rail which can move is called:
Answer: Tongue rail.
In parallel resonant circuits, the current is minimum at the
In parallel resonant circuits, the current is minimum at the
In parallel resonant circuits, the current is minimum at the _
Answer: Resonant frequency.
What is lifeblood of any business
What is lifeblood of any business
What is lifeblood of any business?
Answer: Finance.
Name the dehydrating agent
Name the dehydrating agent
Name the dehydrating agent:
Answer: Sulfuric acid.
Where is trumpet hyphae having sieved septa like sieve tubes are found
Where is trumpet hyphae having sieved septa like sieve tubes are found
Where is trumpet hyphae having sieved septa like sieve tubes are found?
Answer: Kelps.
Form where was the first Indian satellite ‘Aryabhata’ launched
Form where was the first Indian satellite ‘Aryabhata’ launched
Form where was the first Indian satellite ‘Aryabhata’ launched?
Answer: Kapustin Yar in Russia.
Who was Imhotep
Who was Imhotep
Who was Imhotep?
Answer: An architect, a magician, an astronomer, and also the father of medicine.
The Kalahari Desert is found in which country
The Kalahari Desert is found in which country
The Kalahari Desert is found in which country?
Answer: Botswana.