Which country faces the most number of earthquakes on the earth
Which country faces the most number of earthquakes on the earth?
Answer: Japan.
What type of device if the computer monitor
What type of device if the computer monitor
What type of device if the computer monitor?
Answer: an Output device.
In which year Christopher Columbus came in North America
In which year Christopher Columbus came in North America
In which year Christopher Columbus came in North America?
Answer: 1492.
The compiler points out what type of errors
The compiler points out what type of errors
The compiler points out what type of errors?
Answer: Syntax error.
The computer is invented by whom
The computer is invented by whom
The computer is invented by whom?
Answer: Charles Babbage.
Do you know which language is spoken in the world the most
Do you know which language is spoken in the world the most
Do you know which language is spoken in the world the most?
Answer: Chinese.
We require Secondary storage device for what
We require Secondary storage device for what
We require Secondary storage device for what?
Answer: We store a large volume of data when it exceeds the main memory’s capacity.
Which bird is the fastest in the world
Which bird is the fastest in the world
Which bird is the fastest in the world?
Answer: Peregrine falcon.
In which year the Second World War started
In which year the Second World War started
In which year the Second World War started?
Answer: 1939.
Which is the largest desert in the world
Which is the largest desert in the world
Which is the largest desert in the world?
Answer: Sahara.
What is formed if a massive star explodes after reaching supergiant status
What is formed if a massive star explodes after reaching supergiant status
What is formed if a massive star explodes after reaching supergiant status?
Answer: Black Hole.
A female elephant is known as what
A female elephant is known as what
A female elephant is known as what?
Answer: Cow.
Which state recently joined the U.S and number became 50
Which state recently joined the U.S and number became 50
Which state recently joined the U.S and number became 50?
Answer: Hawaii.
What is known as an asteroid
What is known as an asteroid
What is known as an asteroid?
Answer: This is a Rocky object that orbits the sun.
If the storage requirement exceeds one gigabyte
If the storage requirement exceeds one gigabyte
If the storage requirement exceeds one gigabyte, which system costs the least per megabyte?
Answer: Optical disk.
We know Mesopotamia by which name
We know Mesopotamia by which name
We know Mesopotamia by which name?
Answer: Iraq.
Which one is the secondary memory device
Which one is the secondary memory device
Which one is the secondary memory device?
Answer: Floppy disk.
The earth’s innermost layer is what
The earth’s innermost layer is what
The earth’s innermost layer is what?
Answer: Inner Core.
Where we find Tropical Rainforests
Where we find Tropical Rainforests
Where we find Tropical Rainforests?
Answer: Equator.
What is compter’s short-term memory that is lost when you turn it off
What is compter’s short-term memory that is lost when you turn it off
What is compter’s short-term memory that is lost when you turn it off?
Answer: RAM.
Which input device allows us to move the pointer on the computer screen
Which input device allows us to move the pointer on the computer screen
Which input device allows us to move the pointer on the computer screen?
Answer: Mouse.
The most DNA is shared by humans with what
The most DNA is shared by humans with what
The most DNA is shared by humans with what?
Answer: Banana.
The users can see information on which part of the computer
The users can see information on which part of the computer
The users can see information on which part of the computer?
Answer: Monitor.
The longest coastline is seen in which continent
The longest coastline is seen in which continent
The longest coastline is seen in which continent?
Answer: Asia.
HTTL is an internet term. True or false
HTTL is an internet term. True or false
HTTL is an internet term. True or false?
Answer: False.