The users can see information on which part of the computer
The users can see information on which part of the computer?
Answer: Monitor.
The longest coastline is seen in which continent
The longest coastline is seen in which continent
The longest coastline is seen in which continent?
Answer: Asia.
HTTL is an internet term. True or false
HTTL is an internet term. True or false
HTTL is an internet term. True or false?
Answer: False.
Where is the human body’s weakest muscle located
Where is the human body’s weakest muscle located
Where is the human body’s weakest muscle located?
Answer: Ear.
The leaf bug uses a specific physical adaption to guard itself. What is it
The leaf bug uses a specific physical adaption to guard itself. What is it
The leaf bug uses a specific physical adaption to guard itself. What is it?
Answer: Camouflage.
What is the common name of Sodium bicarbonate
What is the common name of Sodium bicarbonate
What is the common name of Sodium bicarbonate?
Answer: Washing Soda.
Which one is the human body’s weakest muscle
Which one is the human body’s weakest muscle
Which one is the human body’s weakest muscle?
Answer: Stapedius.
What is the name of the most popular space telescope of NASA
What is the name of the most popular space telescope of NASA
What is the name of the most popular space telescope of NASA?
Answer: Hubble Space Telescope.
The earth has how many natural satellites
The earth has how many natural satellites
The earth has how many natural satellites?
Answer: 1.
The tail of a leopard is how long
The tail of a leopard is how long
The tail of a leopard is how long?
Answer: A leopard’s tail is long as its body.
Pneumatic bones can be seen where
Pneumatic bones can be seen where
Pneumatic bones can be seen where?
Answer: Bird.
How many milk teeth can be found in a child
How many milk teeth can be found in a child
How many milk teeth can be found in a child?
Answer: 20.
The longest bone of the human body is what
The longest bone of the human body is what
The longest bone of the human body is what?
Answer: Femur.
Which planet is almost similar in size to the moon
Which planet is almost similar in size to the moon
Which planet is almost similar in size to the moon?
Answer: Mercury.
Why do Earthquakes happen
Why do Earthquakes happen
Why do Earthquakes happen?
Answer: It happens because of the rapid pressure release between tectonic plates.
An amphibian heart has how many chambers
An amphibian heart has how many chambers
An amphibian heart has how many chambers?
Answer: 3.
In deserts, we find which soil
In deserts, we find which soil
In deserts, we find which soil?
Answer: Entisols.
We live in an atmospheric layer. What is it
We live in an atmospheric layer. What is it
We live in an atmospheric layer. What is it?
Answer: Troposphere.
The ozone layer protects us from which ray
The ozone layer protects us from which ray
The ozone layer protects us from which ray?
Answer: Harmful UV rays of Sun.
Why can we see Day and night on Earth
Why can we see Day and night on Earth
Why can we see Day and night on Earth?
Answer: Rotation.
What is the most sensitive organ in the human body
What is the most sensitive organ in the human body
What is the most sensitive organ in the human body?
Answer: Skin.
If you find an error in the data of the computer, what will you call
If you find an error in the data of the computer, what will you call
If you find an error in the data of the computer, what will you call?
Answer: Bug.
Which gas is tasteless, colorless and odorless
Which gas is tasteless, colorless and odorless
Which gas is tasteless, colorless and odorless?
Answer: Carbon Monoxide.
Which layer cannot be seen in the rainforest
Which layer cannot be seen in the rainforest
Which layer cannot be seen in the rainforest?
Answer: Overstory.
In each lung how many bronchioles can be found
In each lung how many bronchioles can be found
In each lung how many bronchioles can be found?
Answer: 30,000.