Whose dying words were : ‘I am dying as I have lived, beyond my means’
Whose dying words were : ‘I am dying as I have lived, beyond my means’?
Answer: Oscar Wilde.
Which are the eight fold paths of Buddhism
Which are the eight fold paths of Buddhism
Which are the eight fold paths of Buddhism?
Answer: Right view, right resolution, right words, right action, right living, right effort, right thinking, righ
In modern times, which engines are most commonly used in automobiles
In modern times, which engines are most commonly used in automobiles
In modern times, which engines are most commonly used in automobiles?
Answer: Internal Combustion Engines.
Which one is more compact engine, internal or external combustion
Which one is more compact engine, internal or external combustion
Which one is more compact engine, internal or external combustion?
Answer: Internal.
According to Astrology friend planets of Mars
According to Astrology friend planets of Mars
According to Astrology friend planets of Mars:
Answer: Jupiter, Sun and Moon.
Mr. Henry James writes fiction as if it were a painful duty – a critic said. Who
Mr. Henry James writes fiction as if it were a painful duty – a critic said. Who
Mr. Henry James writes fiction as if it were a painful duty – a critic said. Who?
Answer: Oscar Wilde.
Who opened the world’s first school of navigation in 1416
Who opened the world’s first school of navigation in 1416
Who opened the world’s first school of navigation in 1416?
Answer: Prince Henry of Portugal.
Velocity of sound in a gas is proportional to what
Velocity of sound in a gas is proportional to what
Velocity of sound in a gas is proportional to what?
Answer: Square root of adiabatic elasticity.
The centre of mass of a body is known as
The centre of mass of a body is known as
The centre of mass of a body is known as:
Answer: Barycenter.
What is the name of the project aimed at building a viable self-sustaining National Dairy Industry o
What is the name of the project aimed at building a viable self-sustaining National Dairy Industry on co-operative lines
What is the name of the project aimed at building a viable self-sustaining Nati
The purpose of distribution reservoirs is
The purpose of distribution reservoirs is
The purpose of distribution reservoirs is:
Answer: City water supply.
Which band is used for T.V, F.M, air navigation, radar
Which band is used for T.V, F.M, air navigation, radar
Which band is used for T.V, F.M, air navigation, radar?
Answer: VHF.
Cryptography is usually used in what for protecting secret messages
Cryptography is usually used in what for protecting secret messages
Cryptography is usually used in what for protecting secret messages?
Answer: Computer Networks.
Who said “Direction is telling the people what to do and seeing that they do it in the best possible
Who said Direction is telling the people what to do and seeing that they do it in the best possible manner
Who said Direction is telling the people what to do and seeing that they do it in the best po
What is meant by traffic
What is meant by traffic
What is meant by traffic?
Answer: Transportation of goods by road, rail, air etc. and coming and going of persons.
Who invented the first ecofriendly note book computer
Who invented the first ecofriendly note book computer
Who invented the first ecofriendly note book computer?
Answer: Fujitsu.
Who said, “Music is the pleasure of the human soul experiences from counting without being aware tha
Who said, Music is the pleasure of the human soul experiences from counting without being aware that it is counting
Who said, Music is the pleasure of the human soul experiences from counting without
What is the term used for stone and gravel, coarse sand, fine sand, silt and clay
What is the term used for stone and gravel, coarse sand, fine sand, silt and clay
What is the term used for stone and gravel, coarse sand, fine sand, silt and clay?
Answer: Particles in soil.
Disc signals are used for
Disc signals are used for
Disc signals are used for:
Answer: Shunting operation.
In series resonant circuits, above the resonant frequency the inductive reactance is large
In series resonant circuits, above the resonant frequency the inductive reactance is large
In series resonant circuits, above the resonant frequency the inductive reactance is large:
Answer: Capacitiv
A special type of file written in HTML is called
A special type of file written in HTML is called
A special type of file written in HTML is called:
Answer: Web page.
Name the speculator in a stock exchange who tries to increase the price of securities
Name the speculator in a stock exchange who tries to increase the price of securities
Name the speculator in a stock exchange who tries to increase the price of securities:
Answer: Bull speculators.
Which Sulfur has needle shaped crystals
Which Sulfur has needle shaped crystals
Which Sulfur has needle shaped crystals?
Answer: Prismatic.
Flagellate cells are absent in which algae
Flagellate cells are absent in which algae
Flagellate cells are absent in which algae?
Answer: Red algae.
The two theories of a great scientist revolutionized astronomy in the modem times
The two theories of a great scientist revolutionized astronomy in the modem times
The two theories of a great scientist revolutionized astronomy in the modem times. What are these theories?
Answer: Ge