When did the British Parliament pass the first national copyright law
When did the British Parliament pass the first national copyright law?
Answer: 1709.
Who mathematically predicted the presence of the planet Neptune
Who mathematically predicted the presence of the planet Neptune
Who mathematically predicted the presence of the planet Neptune?
Answer: John Couch Adams.
The patterns of history are
The patterns of history are
The patterns of history are:
Answer: Cyclical.
Who said, “All the effects of nature are only mathematical consequences of a small number of immutab
Who said, All the effects of nature are only mathematical consequences of a small number of immutable laws
Who said, All the effects of nature are only mathematical consequences of a small number of i
During which period commercial banks in India were developed
During which period commercial banks in India were developed
During which period commercial banks in India were developed?
Answer: 19th century.
Which is the holy book of the Sikhs
Which is the holy book of the Sikhs
Which is the holy book of the Sikhs?
Answer: Adi Granth.
Name the movement of a vehicle about a longitudinal axis produced
Name the movement of a vehicle about a longitudinal axis produced
Name the movement of a vehicle about a longitudinal axis produced by centrifugal force when cornering:
Answer: Roiling.
Who wrote: “The Golden Notebook”
Who wrote: The Golden Notebook
Who wrote: The Golden Notebook?
Answer: Doris Lessing.
The relationship between individual and society is
The relationship between individual and society is
The relationship between individual and society is _
Answer: Interdependent.
The cold ocean current in the southern part of South America is known as
The cold ocean current in the southern part of South America is known as
The cold ocean current in the southern part of South America is known as:
Answer: Cape Horn Current.
Both Rene Descartes and Pierre de Fermat are considered to be the founding father of this subject
Both Rene Descartes and Pierre de Fermat are considered to be the founding father of this subject
Both Rene Descartes and Pierre de Fermat are considered to be the founding father of this subject. Wha
Climbing views grow naturally in the form of
Climbing views grow naturally in the form of
Climbing views grow naturally in the form of:
Answer: Helix.
Which geometrical concept is employed to make maps of the world
Which geometrical concept is employed to make maps of the world
Which geometrical concept is employed to make maps of the world?
Answer: Mercator’s projection.
Which type of fish looks like a pentagram
Which type of fish looks like a pentagram
Which type of fish looks like a pentagram?
Answer: Starfish (Some species have however six arms. They look like a hexagram).
Which is the most unreadable mathematical classic
Which is the most unreadable mathematical classic
Which is the most unreadable mathematical classic?
Answer: Principia Mathematica.
Honeybees communicate information through dances
Honeybees communicate information through dances
Honeybees communicate information through dances. What kind of figure do they make while dancing?
Answer: Eight.
The dish of a radio telescope is:
The dish of a radio telescope is:
The dish of a radio telescope is:
Answer: Concave in shape.
What is the term used when a sitting MP of UK is removed as the candidate for a forthcoming election
What is the term used when a sitting MP of UK is removed as the candidate for a forthcoming election
What is the term used when a sitting MP of UK is removed as the candidate for a forthcoming electio
What was the name of the ‘river of hate’ that flowed round the underworld
What was the name of the ‘river of hate’ that flowed round the underworld
What was the name of the ‘river of hate’ that flowed round the underworld?
Answer: River Styx.
From which country does the instrument called the ‘Balalaika’ originate
From which country does the instrument called the ‘Balalaika’ originate
From which country does the instrument called the ‘Balalaika’ originate?
Answer: Russia.
The Buddhist who lived after Buddha
The Buddhist who lived after Buddha
The Buddhist who lived after Buddha:
Answer: Maitreya Buddha.
Who said, “The deep study of nature is the most fruitful source of mathematical discovery”
Who said, The deep study of nature is the most fruitful source of mathematical discovery
Who said, The deep study of nature is the most fruitful source of mathematical discovery?
Answer: Joseph Fourie
The oldest journal devoted chiefly to advanced mathematics is
The oldest journal devoted chiefly to advanced mathematics is
The oldest journal devoted chiefly to advanced mathematics is:
Answer: Journal de l’Ecole polytechnique.
A tree, a snail, a volcano, the earth, a galaxy, – all are
A tree, a snail, a volcano, the earth, a galaxy, – all are
A tree, a snail, a volcano, the earth, a galaxy, – all are:
Answer: Turing machines.
Egyptian pyramids are actually
Egyptian pyramids are actually
Egyptian pyramids are actually:
Answer: Square-based pyramids.