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healthychildren website

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About the American Academy of Pediatrics

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and its member pediatricians dedicate their efforts and resources to the health, safety and well-being of infants, children, adolescents and young adults.

The AAP has approximately 67,000 members in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and many other countries. Members include pediatricians, pediatric medical subspecialists and pediatric surgical specialists. To be a full Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics (FAAP), a member must be board-certified. This means they have passed the American Board of Pediatrics certifying examination.

History of the AAP
The AAP was founded in June 1930 by 35 pediatricians who met in Detroit in response to the need for an independent pediatric forum to address children's needs. When the AAP was established, the idea that children have special developmental and health needs was a new one. Preventive health practices now associated with child care—such as immunizations and regular health exams—were only just beginning to change the custom of treating children as "miniature adults."

Contact the American Academy of Pediatrics

​The American Academy of Pediatrics is not able to respond to individual or personal medical questions nor should the information on this site be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your pediatrician. Your best resource is your pediatrician, as there may be variations in treatment based on individual facts and circumstances. If you do not have a pediatrician, please visit our Find a Pediatrician area.

Articles on are produced and copyrighted by the American Academy of Pediatrics and have been through thorough medical review and approval to ensure they are consistent with Academy guidelines and policy. Please refer to our site Editorial Policy.

For General Questions About

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To Contact the American Academy of Pediatrics:
American Academy of Pediatrics

345 Park Boulevard

Itasca, IL 60143



847/434-8000 (Fax)

AAP members:  Our Find a Pediatrician tool pulls information directly from your member profile. You will need to update your profile with this information for it to appear on To update your profile, click here.