Nanjing Agricultural University
Nanjing Agricultural University website:
Building on a history of over 110 years, Nanjing Agricultural University (NAU) is a pioneer of modern agricultural education, research and extension work, and from 1914, the first institution in China to offer four-year bachelor programs in agricultural disciplines.
Today’s NAU is a multi-disciplinary, national key university under the administration of the Ministry of Education and has been selected into the national “double first-class” initiative in 2017 (“world-class university” and “world-class discipline”, a new initiative for the development of China’s higher education sector). With agriculture and life sciences as its traditional core strength, Nanjing Agricultural University has diverse branches of learning, including Science, Economics, Management, Engineering, Law and the Arts.
The recent analysis of research citations by Thomson Reuters Essential Science Indicators found NAU among the top 1% of institutions in the fields of Environment/Ecology, Biology and Bio-chemistry, Engineering, Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Genetics, and chemistry and the top 1‰ of institutions in the fields of Agricultural Science and Plant and Animal Science. NAU ranks 9th in the latest ranking of “Best Global Universities for Agricultural Sciences” by US News & World Report in 2018.
NAU is also home to seven national research platforms, including the State Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Germplasm Enhancement. NAU maintains close cooperation and exchanges with more than 160 universities and research institutions in more than 30 countries and regions, and has established several international joint laboratories and research platforms with overseas partners. NAU is committed to develop into a world-class agricultural university.